Entrance – Nuclear bomb warnings
Dimensions: 13’9″x7′
Multiple TV or computer screens all playing the news reel on repeat, with the urgent alert interrupting the reel every so often
Special FX
Fog Bursts
Air raid Sirens
Flashing Red Lights
The Look from the Show

Room 1 – Nuclear War
Dimensions: 12’x6′
What to Keep, What to Remove
Body bags and bodies can stay in the room, but we will move them to lay on the floor or hang at the bottom of the walls, people dying, body bags are pilling up
Mushroom clouds – paint or buy tapestries
Nuclear Radiation Signs – paint or buy
Special FX
Flashing red lights
Orange Strip lights
Short burst of heat
Bomb sounds – download app, play over speakers
Tapestry Nuclear Explosion Atomic Bomb in City 60×80 Inches – $19.90
6″ High 12 Red LED Beacon Flashing Light – $12.85
4.5″ Rotating Red Flashing Beacon Party Lamp DJ Strobe Light – $12.99
15ft Orange Neon Light Neon Glowing Strobing Electroluminescent Wire – $9.99
50ft Bluetooth LED Strip Lights, Music/Sound Sync with Phone Remote – $19.99
Radiation Hazard Warning Label, 3″ Round, Pack of 6 – $5.97
Danger Radiation Allied Military Vintage Tin Sign – $9.99
Stanley’s Army Navy Store Bomb Shells
The Look from the Show

Room 2
Turn left, run from “zombies”, people affected by the radiation to the…
Post Apocalyptic Landscape in black and white or sephia
Black Lights
Costumes with neon radiation
Zombies with oozing pustules everywhere, Canker Puss Monsters
Doomsday Tapestry 60×80 – $14.99, 60×80 – $16.99, 59×39 – $9.20
The Look from the Show

Room 3
…The Outpost 3 Bunker
Many fake candles and candelabras
Bookshelves (tapestries?)
Anti-christ – white face man
People in all black hazmat and plague masks
Special FX
Fog Bursts
Loud sudden buzzer
Flashing Red Lights

Room 4
Decontamination, showers, screaming, fans blowing air around, hazmat suits and plague masks
2 yellow hazmat

Transition with smoke and flashing lights (simulate a flashback – similar manner for every transition)

Room 5
Hotel Cortez entrance, check-in with Liz Taylor, bell, hotel keys, and bar with gaga vampire wearing the glove

Room 6
Elevator with partially open doors and hallway with false doors, victims trying to escape and being pulled back in, framed photos of people for deception, laundry basket full of body parts, bloody sheets and laundry chute, vampire kid

Room 7
Hotel Room with mattress in the center, body stitched inside the mattress, bloody sheets, card table with cards on top (Queenie’s escape with the anti-christ – white face man)

Room 8
Hotel kitchen – cooking body parts, vampires, Devil’s Night

Transition with smoke and flashing lights (flash forward)

Room 9
Bunker library with Pentagram of bodies

Room 10
1%ers in black robes and mirror masks, all dummies except for one for the scare, surprise scare two will be the anti-christ white face man

Transition with smoke and flashing lights (flashback)

Room 11
Butchery in the maze with animal carcasses hanging from meat hooks, dead person hanging from a meat hook, squishy noises and the alarm going off with a red siren light flashing on the meaty substances

Room 12
House with 2 coffins and…

people buried alive, clowns and lots of gore
Super quick transition with smoke and flashing lights (flash forward)

Room 13
Combined with transition, see black hazmat suits, neon green spray, dead crows, the end is nigh, confusion, happens fast

Exit Sequence
Escape from the Briarcliff Manor, leave tunnel, smoke, wind

Asylum courtyard
Gurneys, wheelchairs, record player playing the same song over and over
Exorcism – nuns, priest, demon

Wandering patients in straight jackets and hospital gowns

Up ahead, pass RV
Apocalypse | |
Witch in bathtub, goes underwater, back in time | |
White face man jumps out, big flash bang |